Koden is a world wide operating supplier of marine electronic products .The basic unit of these naval ultrasonic reading tools has been adopted for the application of quality control during diaphragm works. The principle is based on sending ultra-sonic waves through the bentonite slurry, after the panel was excavated. To obtain best results, the slurry should be de-sanded for the purpose of taking readings.
The ultrasonic head is lowered into the open panel and waves are sent out while lowering the Koden unit into the panel. The system is attached to a frame and moved by a precision winch that monitors the depth during the readings. The waves are sent to the front side of the excavated panel. Once the distance is set between the reading unit and the exposed joint, all readings taken should show the same distance. Those areas which show significant differences indicate the likelihood of excess concrete along the joint. In most cases, this is a clear sign that the concrete must be removed by a crane operated chisel.